
Written publications

Master Thesis (2011), titled Characterization Of The Pressure Sensitivity Of Several Spoilage Organisms And Pathogens In Poultry. Industrial project based. Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

Undergraduate Thesis (2008), titled Nisin Application to Extend Shelf-life of Tofu Stored at 5oC. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Popular publications

Fibri, Dwi LN. and Santoso, U. “Analisis Proksimat Bahan Pangan”. (Yogyakarta, Indonesia.: Citra Aji Parama, 2009)

Fibri, Dwi LN. “Rabeg“. EMA International Cookbook. online

Fibri, Dwi LN. “‘Coz The World Tastes Good” in Beasiswa Erasmus Mundus: The Stories Behind, ed. Dina Mardiana, et al. (Jakarta, Indonesia: Kurniesa Publishing, 2011), p.50-60 (bookreview)

Fibri, Dwi LN. “Indahnya Musim Dingin Di Porto” in Koran Tempo, March 20, 2011, p.12-13

Oral presentations

“Tempe Taste workshop”. Indigenous Terra Madre 2015, 3rd-7th Nov 2015, Shillong, India

“Theatre of Taste”. Indigenous Terra Madre 2015, 3rd-7th Nov 2015, Shillong, India

National conference PATPI, (27-30 August 2013), oral presentation, Jember, East Java.

 The 5th Conference of Federation for Societies of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Singapore (2009), titled Nisin Application to Extend Shelf-life of Tofu Stored at 5oC. Oral presentation.

Posters presentations

Fibri, D.L.N., Frøst, M. B. (2015). Indonesian consumers’ perception of modernized and original version of traditional food. 11th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, 23-27 August 2015, Gothenburg, Swedia

Fibri, D.L.N., Frøst, M. B. (2016). Product information affects perception of sensory, collative properties and elicited emotions of Indonesian Tempe. 7th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, 11-14 September 2016, Dijon, France

Updated 2015